Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.
Why Spend money on what is not bread and your labor on what does not satisfy?
Listen, listen to me and eat what is good, and you delight in the richest of fare.
Give ear and come to me; listen that you may live….
…….Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:
Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
I do not know about you, but I have spent my entire life chasing after things that I thought were going to satisfy me. It does not matter what it was, it could have been alcohol, drugs, chasing after immoral relationships. Whatever it was, I thought it was going to satisfy me. And guesswhat? After an entire lifetime of chasing after all these things, none of them really satisfied at all. I may have gotten a little temporary pleasure from sin. But in the end it stings, in the end we are all going to get the results of what sin is, and that is physical, spiritual and eternal death.
What God is offering to us is to give us everything in the whole universe without any real cost, as in we are not going to have to pay for it with money. He says “listen, listen to me and eat what is good.” He tells us to listen twice in one sentence. And what I came to find out is that if God really did send His Son Jesus to die on a cross, to die a horrible brutal death to pay for our sins, and if God really did raise Him from the dead, and I believe He did, then it behooves us to find out what Jesus had to say to us. It makes perfect sense to listen to him. It would be extremely wise to do so.
Another thing to consider is the fact that God may be speaking to us but we might not really be tuned in to want to listen to Him. It is a proven fact that some times people hear what they want to hear and they do not hear certain things if they do not want to hear them. Have you ever had to talk to a friend you cared about that was getting ready to make a bad mistake who had their heart set on making that mistake? Many times they want to hear anything else. Have you ever tried to talk to a five year old kid about why they cannot have the ice cream cone five minutes before dinner? If they got it set in their mind that that is what they want, they are not going to hear it unless they make a conscious decision to choose to listen to what this person is saying.
That is what we need to do, we need to make a conscious decision and say, “wait a minute, I want to hear what Jesus has to say. I want to find out about the things he taught. If He loved me enough to obey His Father, and hang on a cross to pay for my sins, yea, I choose to listen to Him, I am all ears.” And what I found out is that when we have a heart like that, God can start opening up the mysteries of the universe to us. He can start revealing them to us, he can start leading us by His Spirit step by step into the path that He has for us. Just think about it, why would we want to take any other path? Why would we want to make our own path when the God who created the universe knows what is really going to be the best thing for us?
When we realize that He sent his Son to pay the penalty for our sins so that He could redeem us to Himself. And so we would not have to suffer eternal death. A lot of people think that hell is just some cartoonish place that you go to and party with the devil and his angels for the rest of eternity. Hell is a lot of things but I think the big thing that we need to understand is what is going to happen when we are shut out from the presence of the Living God for the rest of eternity. What’s going to happen when we cannot even be in the same place as the God who gives us our very breath is at? How are we going to function? People do not realize that even this little planet down here called Earth, even though it is not exactly heaven, it is still not total separation from God. Because we are still part of His creation here and we are created beings and we will have to answer to an Almighty God one day.
I just want to leave this with you. I had to make a choice to actually start seeking God. Whenever God started reaching out to me it required me to respond to Him as such. Do you know the Bible compares the Kingdom of God to a marriage relationship? It talks about the Bride of Christ, and there are many other marriage comparisons in the Bible. So think about this, if a man sees a woman that he wants to be with and he starts approaching her and he really knows the plans that he has for her. What do you think is going to happen if she does not respond to him? She is not going to get anything he had planned for her.
What I am saying is that God is looking at us like that Bride that He wants His Son to spend the rest of eternity with. We have to respond to that. We cannot just ignore the wedding call from the Creator of the universe. He wants us to be married to His Son. Please people, please respond. Please check out the rest of the stuff on this website if this is really speaking to you. The truth has a certain ring to it and we know when we are hearing the truth. We must respond to the call in a right way.